We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants, Domestic Reverse Osmosis Plants, Industrial Reverse Osmosis Plants, Semi Automatic Reverse Osmosis Plants, Fully Automatic Reverse Osmosis Plants, Remote Monitoring Reverse Osmosis Plants

Envicare offers quality RO plants for domestic and industrial applications. These state-of-the-art designs handle varied raw water inputs. Plants are available as skid-mounted or containerized plug-and play units.


Basic automation for essential functions.

Fully Automatic
Fully Automatic

Complete automation of all processes.

Remote Monitoring

Fully Automatic with remote-data access for greater performance.

  • Capacity ranges from 250 LPH to 30000 LPH
  • Higher recovery ratio (upto 85%-90%) and RO membranes selection based on RO- Projection software
  • Actively rejects ions and contaminants up to 99.50%
  • RO designed at higher TDS values up to 20000 ppm
  • Special RO plants manufacturing for Effluent handling
  • Raw water testing facility at lab for proper selection
  • Total MS-Powder Coated and SS skids available
  • Manual, Auto and Auto with remote monitoring systems available

Envicare's - RO - 1000 /2000/3000LPH (Standard)
Description Type Qty
Raw Water Pump- SS Impeller CRI/ Kirloskar 1
Pressure Sand Filter (PSF) 1665 / 1865/ 2162- Tata Steel / Pentair 1
Activated Charcoal Filter (ACF) 1465 / 1865/ 2162- Tata Steel / Pentair 1
Antiscalant Dosing System- 3.0 to 6.0 LPH eDose / Positive 1
High Pressure Pump (HPP) CRI / Kirloskar 1
RO Pressure Tubes UKL 2 to 6
RO Membranes GE/ Hydranautics 4 to 12
UPVC Piping Astral 1
Electrical Cablings Finolex / Polycab 1
SKID MS Powder Coated 1
Electrical Control Panel Filtra 1
Solenoid Valve (Optional) Auto Flushing 1
Reject Recycle For 1000 LPH Onward Considered
Type Open Skid Considered
CIP For Membrane Cleaning Considered
UV for Disinfection Alfa make Optional
Filters Auto backwashing Auto Valves Optional
Remote Monitoring Extra Optional

Drinking Water Purification
  • RO plants remove dissolved salts, minerals, and contaminants, providing clean, safe drinking water.
Food and Beverage Processing
  • RO ensures high-quality water for consistent product quality and safety in food/beverage manufacturing.
Hydrogen Production
  • RO purifies water for use in hydrogen fuel cell production, supporting clean energy solutions.

Wastewater Treatment
  • RO can purify and recycle wastewater, removing pollutants and enabling reuse in industry or irrigation.
Automobile Industry
  • RO provides the pure, salt-free water needed for paint booth and painting applications , preventing water spots.
Aquarium Maintenance
  • RO maintains the delicate water quality required for reef and marine aquarium health.

SR # Descriptions Your Comments
1 Name of the Client with detailed Official address and contact nos.  
2 Site address in detail where this plant is going to Install/ Operate  
3 Source of Water- Corporation/Lake/Well/Bore-well/Any other?  
4 Total quantity of RO Water required per day basis? OR Required Capacity in Lit/Hr  
5 Inlet Water pH, TDS, Conductivity, Total Hardness, Turbidity, TSS, Fe Content in mg/lit (OR Attach raw water analysis report)?  
6 Usage Of Water- Any specific purpose?  
7 Output water Quality in Terms Of TDS (ppm)/ Conductivity in uS/cm?